Monday, September 19, 2011

Favorite Character Survey

Robert: Eragon from the Inheritance series He can be described as brave and courageous.
Jaamal Jackson: Ricky Bobby in the movie talladega nights he can be described as hilarious and persistent.
Demontre Taylor: Lenny from of mice and men and he could be described lovable and courageous.
Natalie Priester: Scout in to kill a mocking bird and she can be described as curious.

Andrew: The Hulk in the movie The Hulk he can be described as beast.

Bobby: Superman in the movie Superman and he can be described as heroic.

Pablo: Quagmire from the movie family guy and he can be described as giggity giggity goo.

Alex: Smokey from Friday and he can be described as self caring.

1 comment:

  1. Are you trying to knock my socks off? I love that you added pictures on your own. Sweet!
